Friday, October 31

A Paradise Called El Nido

I finally found my favorite place and that is El Nido.

To celebrate our birthdays, my cousin, two of my friends and I went on a week-long vacation in the beautiful coastal town of El Nido, Palawan. It took us 8 hours of travel time (air and land travel) to get to our destination but it was totally worth it because El Nido is truly a paradise. 


Thursday, September 11

Wednesday, August 27

Tuesday, August 12

Tuesday, July 29


I've been encountering the word 'human' a lot for the past weeks. From the headlines of daily international and local news, the new people that I've met, the most talked about issues in the internet and social media today, music, to the organizations I've been coming across lately--I've been running into this word almost everywhere. And it got me to not just think, but also actually sincerely care about it. 

You see, I'm not the type who would often voice out my opinions on social matters. I'd rather just keep it to myself and to those who are really interested to what I've got to say. It's not that I don't care or I've got nothing to say, it's just that I feel like I don't want to add to the noise clutter that is already there is.

Humanity, humanitarian, humankind, humane, humans --never have this word appealed to me so strongly than before. Probably because I've never given it much thought. With all the chaos that's been going on in the world today --war, terrorism, disasters, crises, violence, destruction, prejudice and what not, I can't help but feel powerless and helpless with the state of the world. After all, I am just a human and there are forces that are definitely greater than mine.  Or so I thought. 

This year I have met a number of people who have made me realize one thing: I can be the change that I want the world to be. These are young, simple, ordinary people whom you'll probably bump into your daily commute or possibly just sit right next to in restaurants. But don't let their humble exterior fool you, these people are passionate, enthusiastic and full of hope. I've met most of them through volunteering for organizations with a cause, some of them are friends and families who have encouraged me to join their advocacies. Their enthusiasm and influence opened my eyes and made me realize that all is not lost after all. All I had to do is to become the change that I want the world to be and hopefully, if god and the universe will permit, this good change that we all so want will spread across the world, too.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. God definitely has a purpose for letting these people come into my life. I may never understand it now or never at all but I am thankful for crossing paths with these people for they have made me realize how to become a human, not the type who would mostly obsess about superficial and artificial things but the type who would build and promote a better, more peaceful world. 

Monday, June 9

Sunday Morning

I was jogging with a girl friend on a Sunday morning when we passed by this beautiful place. It is a chapel with a venue for wedding receptions. The place is so charming and lovely that it looks like it was a photo taken from Cinderella and Prince Charming's castle.

Thursday, May 8

Under the Summer Sun

Although the summer heat is killing me (I meant that metaphorically), I love that this season's perfect weather is bringing us outdoors.

Let me share with you some photos from my weekend trip at the beach.

Thursday, April 24

Marinduque Sojourn

I spent my 3-day Holy Week break at the island of Marinduque -- it's my first time to visit the island. More than just a sojourn away from the city, the purpose of the trip was to donate school supplies to the kids of Gaspar Island. It was an outreach-vacation.

Some highlights of the trip: Gaspar Island (our home for three days), pristine beaches, Moriones Festival, Boac Cathedral, the new friends I met, the sincere smile on the kids' faces, and the heartwarming and priceless experience of being able to help others.


Thursday, March 20


Thought I'd introduce you to my feline friend, Timmy.