Thursday, February 17

Friday, February 4

What I'm reading right now

The past week has been pretty light on me. Got nothing much to do but wait. Anyway, I recently stumbled upon Rue Magazine and liked it very much. I find reading interior design magazines very relaxing and inspiring, especially since its an online one.

Rue January-February cover

Navigating through the pages is a breeze

Wednesday, February 2

the month after christmas is pretty much always depressing...

...not that I'm depressed last month.

Anyway, hello February, you're here!

I can't describe to you how much anxious I am right now while waiting for something that I've been wanting for so long. January was the time when I worked on it, and now February is the waiting time. And I dread waiting!

My sister told me that "If you claim it, then you'll have it", that's why I'm trying my best to be very positive that I'll get what I want. Plus, according to my horoscope, this month is a lucky month. 

I'm not keeping my fingers crossed 'cause I know it will happen. IT WILL HAPPEN! So here's to a positive and lucky february! :)

*Above is the exquisite white island in Camiguin taken from my trip there last month.